CIM Distinguish Lecture: Social Risk

November 6, 2020

Monica’s presentation will offer participants an in-depth analysis of how the strategic approach to social investment in mining is aligned with ESG and SDGs.

The world is shifting the attention to fundamental issues around social justice and environmental protection. Turning risk into opportunities and conflict into development is a call to work around sustainable solutions that lead towards social, political, and economic stability. Investing in social and human capital becomes strategic to turning social risk into flourishing communities. Extractive industries, particularly mining, are at the core of public scrutiny due to its activity in the developing world and its impact on the environment. History has shown the proximity of Mining to communities under stress makes the industry a catalyst for development or a source of conflict. COVID-19 tests the industry’s social license and the effectiveness of social management systems and community engagement. Mining or exploration companies with an established relationship of trust with communities could assist on time and restart operations with no disruption, turning risk into opportunities.